Notices to be placed before 4:00 PM
Security Practices of Smartphone Users at UKZN Westville Campus and Its Effects on the Institutional Information Systems

My name is Oluwafisayo Kaka, a masters student from the Information Systems and Technology Discipline at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, with contact details and 0734269620 or email supervisor Mr Karunagaran Naidoo at
You are being invited to consider participating in a study that involves research on Security Practices of Smartphone Users at UKZN Westville Campus and Its Effects on the Institutional Information Systems.

This study has been ethically reviewed and approved by the UKZN Humanities and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee (HSSREC/00001150/2020).
Your anonymity will be maintained by the researcher and the School of Management, I.T. & Governance and your responses will not be used for any purposes outside of this study.

Kindly click on the link provided below to access the questionnaire.


Gatekeepers Letter - 208513240.pdf HSSREC Informed consent letter MIG - 208513240.pdf HSSREC 00001150 2020 - 208513240.Pdf
Notice Details
Category Research
Posted 26 May 2020
By Oluwafisayo Kaka
Westville Students   
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In a manner of speaking yes. However you will not get the entire notice delivered to you in your email, instead you will get a daily digest which will list the subject of the notices, a short summary of each notice and hyperlinks that will take you to that notice on the web.

2. Who has access to notices?

Anybody can access the notice system, however you will not be able to place notices from off-campus.