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Research Survey: Workplace Environmental Factors Affecting Female Academics’ Psychological Resilience

Dear Prospective Participant

My name is Núria Cadete. I am currently enrolled in the Ph.D. program at UKZN, School of Management, IT and Governance, Westville Campus - under the supervision of Professor Shaun Ruggunan. We would like to invite you to participate in a research study entitled: 

Exploring Workplace Environmental Factors Affecting Female Academics’ Psychological Resilience: A Mixed Methods Sequential Explanatory Study  

The research survey is intended for all women academic staff from UKZN’s four colleges at the five campuses, irrespective of academic rank. The survey is brief and it should not take more than 15 minutes to complete. We kindly ask that you answer all questions in the survey.

The purpose of this study is to explore and describe women academics’ own perceptions of resilience at the UKZN workplace environment. More specifically this study seeks to understand the relationship between the research variables, these being psychological resilience, negative mental health outcomes (NMHO), building blocks or determinants of psychological resilience and workplace environmental factors (WEFs).

Your participation in this study is absolutely critical to helping us understand how WEFs may be affecting your experiences of resilience at UKZN. In conducting this study, therefore, it is envisioned that the results obtained will go a long way in providing new knowledge in the field of Human Resources Management. An important goal of this study is to inform effective resilience-based interventions to prevent and/ or mitigate the adversities faced by women academics not just at UKZN but across universities in South Africa.

This study has been ethically reviewed and approved by the UKZN Humanities and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee (approval number HSSREC/00000022/2019). Your participation in this study is completely voluntary, and you can withdraw from the survey at any point. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project, and there are no incentives or reimbursements for participation in the study. Your responses will be kept strictly confidential and anonymous, and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. To protect your anonymity, the survey data will be coded, kept securely in a password-protected computer with restricted access to the researcher, and destroyed within five years of completion of this study. Please view research-related documents (i.e., gatekeeper’s approval, and ethical approval) attached to this notice. Should you have any questions at any time about this study, please contact either myself (the researcher) or my supervisor at the contact details specified below.  


Please click on the survey link below (or copy and paste the survey URL link into your Internet's browser) to access the electronic survey and begin the survey. This will indicate your consent to participate in this study.

Survey Link:

We thank you for your willingness to participate in this survey.

Sincerely yours,

Researcher: Ms Nuria Cadete | Mobile phone: 079 901 9919 | Email: or

Supervisor: Professor Shaun Ruggunan | Office number: 031 260 7563 | Email:

Gatekeeper's Approval - Nuria Cadete.pdf HSSREC Approval - Nuria Cadete.pdf
Notice Details
Category Research
Posted 07 May 2020
By Nuria Cadete
Howard College Staff  Howard College Students 
Edgewood Staff  EdgWood Students 
Medical School Staff  Medical School Students 
PMB Staff  PMB Students 
Westville Staff  Westville Students 
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