Notices to be placed before 4:00 PM
July Theme
Human Trafficking
This July 19, 2018
In the CCS Seminar Room, 726
Shepstone Building, Level 7
at 12h00
All are welcome and encouraged to come, watch,
snack, participate and engage in discussions.
Documentary: "Children of the Sex Trade"
By Real Stories, YouTube
Duration: 1 hour
This short film aims to educate the public on the realities of Sex
Trafficking, a tactic by human traffickers to lure and trap victims.
Many victims are then sold into the sex trade. This film is based on
events that have transpired in South Africa.
Notice Details
Category Events
Posted 19 July 2018
By Shashnie Melanie Reddy
Howard College Staff  Howard College Students 
Edgewood Staff  EdgWood Students 
Medical School Staff  Medical School Students 
PMB Staff  PMB Students 
Westville Staff  Westville Students 
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Will I still be able to read my Notices from within my email?

In a manner of speaking yes. However you will not get the entire notice delivered to you in your email, instead you will get a daily digest which will list the subject of the notices, a short summary of each notice and hyperlinks that will take you to that notice on the web.

2. Who has access to notices?

Anybody can access the notice system, however you will not be able to place notices from off-campus.