Notices to be placed before 4:00 PM
Postgraduate Writing Assistance - College of Law and Management Studies

The Writing Place – College of Law & Management Studies, Teaching & Learning Unit


 Do you need help with academic writing? Or someone to share your research ideas with? The Writing Place offers one on one writing support to help you to improve your academic writing skills.

Our trained postgraduate tutors are available to assist you with constructing a coherent argument and maintaining academic writing conventions. Tutors also provide suggestions on how structure and grammar can be improved and can assist with correct referencing techniques. Please note that the Writing Place does not offer editing services, but we can refer you to language practitioners should you require an editor.

How:  Postgraduate students from the College should email the Writing Place Coordinator, Ms Serrenta Naidoo, on, who will arrange an appointment with a tutor.

 The Writing Place – “Well researched, well written, well done!”

Notice Details
Category General
Posted 18 January 2018
By Serrenta Naidoo
Westville Staff  Westville Students 
  • F.A.Q.
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F.A.Q. (frequently asked questions)

Please use Firefox or IE to upload your notice.

Will I still be able to read my Notices from within my email?

In a manner of speaking yes. However you will not get the entire notice delivered to you in your email, instead you will get a daily digest which will list the subject of the notices, a short summary of each notice and hyperlinks that will take you to that notice on the web.

2. Who has access to notices?

Anybody can access the notice system, however you will not be able to place notices from off-campus.