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What's the Training of Research Psychologists for? Situating the Training & Practice of Research Psychologists in Africa

Good day, lecturers and students

My name is Kutloano Mailula, and I am a PhD candidate at the University of Johannesburg. I am conducting research entitled: What is the Training of Research Psychologists for? Situating the Training and Practice of Research Psychologists in Africa.

You are invited to participate in my research, which aims to investigate the training and practice of research psychologists in South Africa. This will be done through semi-structured interviews with research psychology graduates, course coordinators, and programme lecturers in the psychology department. This will be either face-to-face or online.

The ethical clearance number is: REC-01-651-2024

Research participation criteria:

  • Students registered for the Master of Social Science: Research Psychology that leads to registration with the HPCSA and is currently busy with their dissertation and internship.
  • Lecturers teaching the Master of Social Science: Research Psychology modules

If you would like to participate in the research, you can email me at Please let me know your availability for the interview.

Please find attached the gatekeeper’s permission letter, ethical clearance letter and the information sheet for your perusal.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Kutloano Mailula

Supervisor: Dr Sipho Dlamini

Kutloano Mailula Gatekeeper approval.pdf Consent Form.pdf Staff Participant Information Sheet Master of Social Science Research Psychology.pdf Student Participant Information Sheet Master of Social Science Research Psychology.pdf
Notice Details
Category Research
Posted 23 January 2025
By Bharat Ramkissoon
PMB Staff  PMB Students 
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