Survey: SARS-CoV-2 Therapeutics and Re-Infection Rates Among University Students and Staff Members

Dear Colleagues,

My name is Emily Andrew, and I am a Masters student from the College of Health Sciences at the UKZN Westville campus. My supervisor is Rev L.J. Mathibe ( and my co-supervisor is Dr C. Harries (

You are invited to participate in a study about Covid-19 therapeutics and re-infection rates. You are asked to take part in this study if you were infected with Covid-19 at any point from March 1st, 2020, to date. This project hopes to obtain information on the treatments used by those who have been infected with Covid-19 to combat the symptoms experienced as well as to determine the incidence of Covid-19 re-infection. Those who experienced asymptomatic infection are also encouraged to participate. Participants will remain anonymous, and all data collected will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

Aim of the study

The research will examine the different therapeutic strategies used to manage Covid-19 infection. The study also aims to determine the rate of re-infection with Covid-19 among UKZN staff and students

What does participation involve?

Completing an online survey (estimated completion time of 20 minutes)

Who can participate?

Any staff member or student who has been infected with Covid-19 at any date from March 2020 onwards can participate in this study

Start survey (please click the link):

I would be grateful if you would consider sharing this with other colleagues however, you are not obliged to do so

Approval to conduct this survey has been obtained by the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) Biomedical Research Ethics Committee (BREC), in accordance with its ethics review and approval procedures: Protocol Reference Number: BREC/00003099/2021


Kind regards

Emily Andrew (B-Pharm, UKZN)

BREC approval letter.pdf Gatekeeper Permission Letter.p >>>> Information Letter to Particip >>>>
Notice Details
Category Research
Posted 07 December 2021
By Emily Andrew
Howard College Staff  Howard College Students 
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