A study on Health Risk Behaviour engagement of third year Health Science students at the University of KwaZulu-Natal

Dear Participant

My name is Chavonne Van Der Berg (Student number: 216013474). I am a School of Health Sciences masters student studying at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville campus.

The title of my research dissertation is:

A study on health risk behaviour engagement of third year health science students at the university of KwaZulu-Natal.”

The aim of this study is to determine and analyse the engagement in health risk behaviours of third year health science students enrolled for the 2021 academic year at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. This study will involve all third-year students who give consent to participate in the study in the eight disciplines in the school of health sciences.

The study will not pose any risk to your health or wellbeing. The questionnaire is to be completed anonymously. We hope that the study will contribute to future research as well as contribute towards implementing a wellness program to better facilitate students in the transition from late adolescence into early adulthood as well as to aid them in modelling health supporting behaviours as future health professionals.

This study has been ethically reviewed and approved by the UKZN Humanities and Social Sciences Research Committee (Approval number: HSSREC/00003338/2021).

Taking part in this study is completely voluntary and anonymous. If you choose to be part of this study, you may decide to withdraw at anytime without any consequences. You are not obligated to answer all the questions in the questionnaire. Participating in this study does not mean you are giving up any of your legal rights.

All records of this study will be kept private in a password protected google-drive for five years which only the researcher will have access to. After five years all data will be deleted. The results from the study will be made available to the public. Information received will only be used for research purposes.

CONSENT: Participants

I have been informed about the study entitled “A study on health risk behaviour engagement of third year health science students at the university of KwaZulu-Natal.”

I understand the purpose of the study.

The study has been described to me in a language I understand.

I freely agree that I am comfortable to participate in the study.

I declare that my participation in this study is entirely voluntary and that I may withdraw at any time.

If I have any questions or concerns about my rights as a participant in this study, or if I am concerned about an aspect of the study or the researcher, then I may contact:


Research Office, Westville Campus

Govan Mbeki Building

Private Bag X 54001



KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Tel: 0312604557

Fax: 0312604609

Email: HSSREC@ukzn.ac.za


Supervisor: Dr H. Pharraoh (PharaohH@ukzn.ac.za) 


You can access the survey by clicking on the link below:



gatekeepers permission Online. >>>> Van+Der+Berg+CC+Miss+216013474 >>>>
Notice Details
Category Research
Posted 12 October 2021
By Chavonne Van Der Berg
Westville Students