A case study of screen time and digital eye strain during the nationwide COVID19 lockdown in SA

The nationwide lockdown has triggered a paradigm shift amongst students of the university population implementing online learning as a new approach to aid teaching. This enforcement calls for students to work remotely from home, relying solely on e-devices to access online resources leading to a substantial increase in screen time. Prolonged hours in front of the screen can result in Digital Eye Strain translating into an array of ocular and physical discomfort experienced by an individual.

To support the country during the pandemic, We, the fourth year B. Optometry students are undertaking a study to establish an association between screen time and digital eye strain in the university student population during the nationwide covid-19 lockdown in South Africa.

We cordially invite you to participate in this survey. Your participation will be completely anonymous and voluntary.

The link to the survey is: https://forms.gle/bV2uMfWJ4qNMLoBu7

We would like to extend our gratitude in advance for your contribution.

Gatekeepers approval letter.pd >>>> Ethics approval letter.pdf
Notice Details
Category Research
Posted 22 May 2020
By Shanice Naidoo
Howard College Students  EdgWood Students 
Medical School Students  PMB Students 
Westville Students