Special Research on Tap Seminar- Farewell to Prof Graham Jewitt

Dear all, members and friends of the Centre for Water Resources Research


You are warmly welcome to our Special Research on Tap Seminar 6 December: A farewell to Professor Graham Jewitt


Topic: Hydrology 2040 - The next 20 years of research and education for hydrology and water resources management


Professor Graham Jewitt has spent 20 years at UKZN. He and three of his long-term colleagues and research partners will give their views and perspectives on the direction hydrology and water resources management research and education should take over the next 20.

Presenters: Prof. Graham Jewitt, Prof. Roland Schulze, Dr. Michele Toucher and Dr. Rebecka Henriksson Malinga

The presentations and discussions will be moderated by Dr. Sabine Stuart-Hill and Tinisha Kershani Chetty.


Time: Thursday 6 December 15.00 - 16.30


Venue: Seminar room 53, Rabie Saunders, Agric Campus, PMB

CWRR Special Research on Tap F >>>>
Notice Details
Category Research
Posted 04 December 2018
By Kalastrie Chetty
PMB Staff  PMB Students