Behavioural Research: HIV and AIDS Programme (Student Services Division)

Dear Students of the University of KwaZulu-Natal,

The HIV and AIDS Programme (Student Services Division) of the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) is hereby conducting behavioural research as part of its research strategy. In light of this, we are conducting our first research study entitled: Attitudinal, mindset and behavioural change for university Students: Promoting the increase of Testing and Prevention through awareness in relation to HIV and AIDS- (Ethical Clearance number: HSS/0161/017 ).  

The aim and purpose of this research is to gain insight into behavioural factors that can increase HIV Testing and Prevention for university students through Awareness programmes. This can in turn inform our strategies, policies and future interventions. This study is also aligned the UNAIDS “90 90 90” Global AIDS strategy aimed at ending the pandemic by 2030.

Your participation in the study will be appreciated and will involve answering a simple and anonymous questionnaire. To take part in this study, you may click the following link to be taken to the questionnaire ( You will be asked to read and agree with the Informed consent form. Upon agreement to participate, you will be taken to the questionnaire. Should you not agree to participate, you will automatically exit the questionnaire.

Your participation is voluntary but will be highly appreciated and will contribute to meaningful research.

Thanking you for time in advance,

The HIV and AIDS Programme (UKZN)


Gate Keepers permission.pdf Ethical Approval.pdf
Notice Details
Category Research
Posted 02 May 2017
By Olamide Todowede
Howard College Students  EdgWood Students 
Medical School Students  PMB Students 
Westville Students