A review of the Major in Political Science in the School of Social Sciences in the College of Humanities will be held from the 10th to the 13th October 2016.  The purpose of the review is to support the development of quality assurance processes with information on good practice and challenges, evaluative comment and continuing improvement in the teaching and learning of the Major in Political Science. Furthermore, the review will serve to establish the infrastructural capacity and other resources to conduct the core activities of teaching and learning in the Discipline, Political Science.


A review panel has been appointed to carry out this review, the members of which are all external to the School of Social Sciences. There is a wealth of expertise and experience among the members of the panel, as well as a variety of perspectives. It is the task of the panel to collect information and to listen to the views of members of the discipline and other key stakeholders, who will assist them in providing sound and considered advice on the issues at hand. The recommendations made by the panel are intended to guide the decision-making processes. Above all, an external review provides an opportunity for reflection, for expressing views and making suggestions.


While the task of review panel is to provide commendations as well as recommendations on improving quality of the major/programmes that are under review, in this instance the panel has been asked particularly to consider the areas outlined in the terms of reference listed below.


Should you not be able to attend the interview sessions, but would like to make a submission, you are invited to forward a SHORT submission (not more than two pages), which outlines your concerns or comments in any of the areas listed in the Terms of Reference. The questions you should consider when writing your submission are: “What are the challenges from my perspective, and what is my suggested solution?”  Or “What is working really well, and why?”  It will be helpful for the panel if you are as specific and concise as possible. Your submission will be confidential. Should you have any other documentation such as statistics, reports, etc. which may be helpful to the panel in its deliberations, please forward these as well.


Please forward all documentation to:                                                                               


Dr Rubandhree Naicker
Quality Promotion and Assurance
Innovation Centre

Rick Turner Road

Howard College Campus

University of KwaZulu-Natal


Tel: (031) 260 1729




The due date is the 3 October 2016


The panel will be conducting interviews from the 10th to the 13th of October 2016. An interview schedule of key stakeholders is being drawn up by the Quality Promotion and Assurance Unit, in consultation with the members of the task team.  If you wish to be interviewed, kindly inform Dr Rubandhree Naicker in advance so that you can be accommodated on the programme. Due to time constraints some interviews may need to be conducted in groups of about 3 – 5 individuals.


Terms of Reference (TORs) on which the Self-Evaluation Report is based:

1. Coherent design and articulation of the major

2. Student recruitment, admission and selection

3. Coordination

4. Administrative services

5. Staffing

6. Teaching and learning strategies and interactions

7. Student Support

8. Assessment

9. Infrastructure and library resources

10. Effectiveness of the major

Notice Details
Category General
Posted 26 September 2016
By Ntombenhle Ndlela
Howard College Staff  PMB Staff