Learn Highland Dancing!!!

Ever wanted to do a Highland Fling? Understand what a sword dance is all about? Learn an easy country dance? And never had the chance? Well, now's your opportunity! This Saturday, you can learn about all of these. People of all ages from 4 upwards, as well as those with disabilities, both visible and hidden, are welcome to attend. This is an opportunity to try out Highland dancing to see whether you would like to do more of it. PLEASE BRING WITH: • Clothes – please wear shorts (shorty or knee-length) and a tee-shirt (Close-fitting, not too baggy) or a leotard, with a track-suit over. • Feet – dancing will be bare-foot unless you have Highland, soft Irish, ballet, or country pumps. Dancing in sox only is not encouraged because of risk of injury. Cannot be done in sneakers/trainers/’tekkies’/school shoes. • Sticks – from your garden waste heap, or walking sticks, or crutches, or broom sticks or mops, or ‘tight’ umbrellas – 2 sticks about 100-120cm long to double-up as swords as I do not have enough. Ties also work! Or rope… • Water – in a plastic bottle • Facecloth or towel • A Sense of humour

This is a beginner's class - you don't need any previous experience at all.

This class is just one of the Trade School classes on offer until 3rd September. A Trade School is a space where someone teaches something that they know something about to anyone who cares to come - so anyone can be a teacher, and anyone can be a learner. It is about disrupting the idea that only certain people have knowledge or skills, and that people should have to pay money to learn something. However, knowledge and skills are valuable; so in a Trade School teaching and learner are bartered for, with an emphasis on people giving time or energy, rather than things, in exchange for the knowledge or skills they are taught. For this class, for example, the teacher has asked for one of the following:

A donation of cleaned recycling material (wash the bottles, cans etc!) for the Ashburton employment project
Art/craft class
Fresh fruit
Fresh veggies
Pre-loved craft materials
Surprise me!
The use of a pick-up to remove the sticks not used as swords from my garden to donate to cub-scouts for campfires
Vegan food items
Wine (wrapped in a brown paper bag!)
Trade Schools are running all over the world - and between 15th August and 3rd September, thanks to a small autonomous collective, who have been working on this project for over a year under the aegis of the Paulo Freire Project (Centre for Adult Education, School of Education), a Trade School is once again being run on (and off) PMB campus!Please visit http://www.tradeschool.coop and click on the Pietermaritzburg link to find a list of classes on offer, when and where they will be run, and what barter items the teachers are asking for. Remember to book your space, since numbers are limited! Any queries, please  email us at tradeschoolpmb@gmail.com.
Notice Details
Category Announcements
Posted 26 August 2016
By Anne Harley
Edgewood Staff  EdgWood Students 
PMB Staff  PMB Students