University of KwaZulu- Natal

Final Supplementary Examination Timetable

Howard, Edgewood, Pietermaritzburg & Westville Campuses

Supplementary exams: 25 June to 02 July 2015 (including Saturdays)

Find attached the supplementary examination timetable. Please check it carefully for dates, times and venues. If there are clashes, report them by e-mail before Friday, 22 May 2015 to the following:

Howard College                              : Mr M. Panday on pandaya@ukzn.ac.za

Pietermaritzburg Campus               : Ms Sandra Naidoo on naidoosa@ukzn.ac.za

Westville & Edgewood Campuses : Mr D. Kisoon on kisoond@ukzn.ac.za  

Students should confirm their exam dates and venues by regularly visiting the webpage http://timetable.ukzn.ac.za/Exam.aspx, as students are responsible to ensure they have the correct information.            

Important Examination Rules

Please note the following important details regarding examinations:

1.      Before writing examinations, students must ensure that they are correctly registered and they have been granted their Duly Performed (DP) Certificates.

2.       There are two examinations sessions per day, and the starting times, unless otherwise stated, will be 9:00 and 14:00.

3.       Students who fail to appear for an examination at the right time and venue, may forfeit their right to write an examination. Misreading of exam timetable will not be accepted as an excuse for non-attendance of an examination.

4.       Students are expected to be at the specified examination venue, at least 20 minutes before commencement of examinations.

5.       Students must produce their identity cards for all examinations, including orals and practical examinations.

6.       Cellular phones, books, papers, bags, notes, firearms or any other material not required for examinations must not be taken to the desks in the examination venue during examinations. They must be left at the bag drop area or the area reserved to leave bags in the venue. However, students are reminded that they leave them at their own risk and the university will not be held responsible for any damages or loss.

7.       In open book exams, notes/books will be allowed as prescribed by the examiner.

8.       Calculators and other mechanical instruments capable of storing, sending or receiving information may not be used during exams unless specified on the question paper. Students will be disqualified if they use them without permission.

9.       Students may be disqualified if they aid or communicate with other students during an examination session without permission of the Chief Invigilator.

10.   Students must read the rules for writing exams, printed on the front cover page of the examination answer books

11.   Students are not permitted to leave the examination room during the first hour and the last 15 minutes.

12.  Students should report problems during an examination to the Invigilators.

13.   Students are not permitted to enter the examination room unless they are respectably dressed.

14.   Students are not allowed to behave in a manner which is indecent or improper and smoking is not permitted in the examination room.

15.   The composite rules governing students’ conduct during an examination are available in the Student Rules Booklet

Late arrival for examinations

The following procedure will apply in cases where students arrive after commencement of exams:

·         If students arrive less than thirty (30) minutes after commencement of an examination, they will be allowed to write, but no extra time will be given.

·         If students arrive more than thirty (30) minutes after commencement of an examination, they will not be allowed to write but will be advised to apply for special examination at their respective College Offices.  


Issued by:

Director, Student Academic Administration

22 April 2015

Notice Details
Category General
Posted 23 April 2015
By Shirley Bebington
Howard College Staff  Howard College Students 
Edgewood Staff  EdgWood Students 
Medical School Staff  Medical School Students 
PMB Staff  PMB Students 
Westville Staff  Westville Students