Exploring postgraduate supervision capacity at selected SA universities: developing a knowledge transfer framework
I hope this message finds you well. This is a gentle
reminder to complete the questionnaire for my PhD study. If you have already
completed it, thank you very much for your participation. If not, please take a
moment to fill it out at your earliest convenience. The title of my study is “Exploring
Postgraduate Supervision Capacity at selected South African universities:
developing a knowledge transfer framework.” The study population consists of
postgraduate supervisors. I have received full ethics approval from the
DUT Institutional Research Ethics Committee to conduct this study, as per
the attached. I have also attached a letter of information and a consent form.
The online survey should take you approximately 8-10 minutes
to complete. Your participation is completely voluntary. The participants'
identities will be kept confidential during the data analysis phase and in the
reporting phase of the study. The participant’s responses cannot be linked back
to him/ her, as their details are not stored in the system
To complete the online survey, kindly click on this link: https://dut.questionpro.com/t/Aa2i8Z22UE
Howard College Staff
Edgewood Staff
Medical School Staff
PMB Staff
Westville Staff