ePPMOSA International Research Summer School
Dear All,


We are pleased to announce the International Research Summer School for PhD on e-Participation and

Policy Modelling in South Africa (ePPMOSA), to be hosted by the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN). UKZN invites South African and international PhD candidates to apply to participate in the summer school. This will be a hybrid event (to be hosted both physically and virtually)


Kindly refer to the attached flyer for more information.

ePPMOSA International Summer S >>>>
Notice Details
Category Research
Posted 07 June 2024
By Nonhlanhla Fortunate Mkhize
Howard College Staff  Howard College Students 
Edgewood Staff  EdgWood Students 
Medical School Staff  Medical School Students 
PMB Staff  PMB Students 
Westville Staff  Westville Students