Indima Edlalwa Ezobuchwepheshe Ukuqhakambisa Iqhaza Elibanjwa Ubuciko Bomlomo Empilweni Yabantu

Dear Sir/Madam. 

My name is Lucy Mbali from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, School of Arts, department of African languages. I am a master’s candidate in IsiZulu studies. I can be contacted on 071 037 7058 or email:

You are being invited to consider participating in astudy that involves research on Indima Edlalwa Ezobuchwepheshe Ukuqhakambisa Iqhaza Elibanjwa Ubuciko Bomlomo Empilweni Yabantu. The aims and purpose of this research is to to explore the role of different types of oral literature in human life and the impact of technology in them.

The study involves completing the provided research questions which will be in isiZulu by filling a Google form. The study is completely anonymous; therefore, it does not require you to provide your name or any other identifying information.

The number of expected participants is 6 where 3 will be students and 3 will be lecturers. All the participants must be people who  know isiZulu and be studying and teaching in isiZulu department. The estimated time to answer questions will be 20-30 minutes per participant.

I hope that the study will create the benefits of providing knowledge, and the essential information about the impact of technology in the oral literature. This research will also help the creatives especial the youth about the changes that technology has brought into our oral literature and art at large.  The study will also benefit the language practitioners that are involved in oral literature about the changes that the technology has brought into our indigenous languages. This study would not give any direct benefits to the participants but will be able to contribute to the board of knowledge about impact of technology in our oral literature as indigenous people.  

This study has been ethically reviewed and approved by the UKZN Humanities and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee approval number is HSSREC/00006762/2024. The study also received the gatekeeper’s permission from the Registrar as attached. Prior to participating in the study there is an information document and consent from that you will need to sign.

In the event of any problems or concerns/questions you may contact my supervisor at 072 203 2190 email or myself at 

To take part on the study, please open the  attached word document or click on the link below.

Lucy Mbali Information Sheet a >>>> Gatekeeper’s permission letter >>>>
Notice Details
Category Research
Posted 07 June 2024
By Lucy Mbali
Howard College Staff  Howard College Students 
Edgewood Staff  EdgWood Students 
Medical School Staff  Medical School Students 
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