Adjustment to the Learning environment by students that are hard of hearing attending the University of KwaZulu-Natal

Study title: Adjustment to the Learning environment by students that are hard of hearing attending the University of KwaZulu-Natal


We, the fourth-year Audiology students at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (Westville Campus), are embarking on a research project aimed at assessing the adjustment to the learning environment by students who are hard of hearing attending our university. The study will be conducted with participants from one university with multiple campuses within the KwaZulu-Natal Province, specifically the Howard College, Edgewood campus, Pietermaritzburg (PMB) and Westville campus branches of the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN).

We have received ethical clearance for the study REF HSSREC/00006751/2024 and gatekeeper permission from the Office of the Registrar as attached.

This study may benefit both you and the researchers since it may highlight the need for a greater understanding of the obstacles preventing students with hearing loss from receiving an appropriate education and suggest solutions for these students. Suggestions for assistance will be offered on the UKZN campus. If you are between the ages of 18 and 35, enrolled at the University of KwaZulu-Natal as a full-time or part-time student, and have been diagnosed as Hard of Hearing (HoH), we invite you to participate in this study. This includes undergraduate, postgraduate, or doctoral students using hearing aids, cochlear implants, or other assistive listening devices.

Prior to participating in the study you will receive an information document and consent from that you will need to sign. Participation in this study entails engaging in an interview session estimated to last approximately 45 minutes. Rest assured, the interview will be recorded to ensure accuracy. As a token of our appreciation for your participation, each student involved will receive a meal voucher valued at R35.

This research is conducted by Kayla Percival, Mahanoor Ahmed, Philasande Shange and Nomthandazo Mofokeng under the supervision of lecturer Ms Nasim Khan. We would greatly appreciate your participation in the study. Your participation in this study is invaluable to us, and we guarantee the confidentiality and anonymity of all responses provided. Please note that participation is entirely voluntary, and opting out will not result in any consequences. The data collected will be securely stored in a locked cabinet within the university's Department of Audiology for five years, accessible only to the researchers and their supervisors. After this period, all data will be securely destroyed, including any recordings made during the interviews.

For further inquiries regarding the study or to express your interest in participating, please feel free to contact us. Thank you immensely for considering participation in our study. Your contribution is greatly appreciated.


Warm regards,

Mahanoor Ahmed                       Kayla Percival                    

(Researcher)  @ 220089991        (Researcher)  @ 220004221                                                                                


Philasande Shange                     Nomthandazo Mofokeng

(Researcher)  @ 221088122      (Researcher)  @ 216019942   


Ms Nasim Khan

(Research Supervisor)


Gatekeeper Permission.pdf
Notice Details
Category Research
Posted 30 May 2024
By Kayla Percival
Howard College Students  EdgWood Students 
Medical School Students  PMB Students 
Westville Students