Understanding password security awareness of students at the University of KwaZulu-Natal
Researcher: Mr Sboniso Shoba
Supervisor: Professor Manoj Maharaj


Greeting Prospective Respondent,

My name is Sboniso Shoba from the College of Law and Management Studies at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, my contact details are as follows: 217019779@stu.ukzn.ac.za. My supervisor is Professor Manoj Maharaj, and his contact email is maharajms@ukzn.ac.za.

You are invited to participate in a study titled "Understanding Password Security Awareness of Students at the University of KwaZulu-Natal." This research aims to investigate the level of password security awareness among UKZN students, focusing on understanding the factors that influence students password practices and identifying ways to enhance students password security practices to mitigate cyber threats. The study is expected to enrol approximately 200 students to participate. The online questionnaire is comprised of closed-ended questions. The study does not pose a physical or emotional risk to the participants.

This study has been ethically reviewed and approved by the UKZN Humanities and Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee. Ethical Clearence Reference Number: HSSREC/00006722/2024

Your participation in the study is voluntary, and you are granting the researcher permission to use your responses. You may refuse to participate or withdraw from the study at any time with no negative consequence.

The study is anonymous, and the researcher and the School of Management, I.T. & Governance will maintain your confidentiality. Your responses will not be used for any purposes outside of this study. All electronic and hard copy data will be securely stored during the study and archived for five years. After this time, all data will be destroyed. I have created a survey that can be accessed online through Microsoft Form. In order to participate, you will need to login using your UKZN account, as only registered students are eligible to complete the survey. Below is a link to access the online survey:

If you have any questions or concerns about participating in the study, please contact me or my research supervisor at the details listed above.
CONSENT FORM TO PARTICIPATE.pd >>>> Gatekeepers+permission+Online. >>>> Shoba+SB+217019779+HSSREC+0000 >>>>
Notice Details
Category Research
Posted 24 May 2024
By Sboniso Shoba
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