Survey: Mental health education and training in the South African undergraduate pharmacy curriculum

Dear Final Year Pharmacy Student,

I am Nosipho Magoxo. I am a pharmacy master’s student at the University of the Western Cape, School of Pharmacy. I kindly request your participation in a master’s research project titled: Mental health education and training in the South African undergraduate pharmacy curriculum (UWC HSSREC Reference number HS23/10/8).

South Africa faces a significant mental health challenge. In 2019, it was reported that one in six South Africans suffered from anxiety, depression or substance use disorders with about 25% receiving treatment. As a practicing pharmacist you will interact and provide treatment to individuals with mental disorders. The aim of this study is to explore the extent of mental health education in pharmacy and its adequacy in preparing graduates to provide pharmaceutical care to persons with mental disorders. As a final year pharmacy student your views are very important in this matter.

What will you do in this study?
You will have to complete an anonymous online survey.

What are the risks and benefits?
There are no foreseeable risks to this study. Your participation is voluntary. Your responses to the survey will be kept anonymous.

Survey Link:

Should you have any questions please email the following people:

Research- Nosipho Magoxo (

Supervisor - Dr E Egieyeh (


Kind regards
Nosipho Magoxo

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Notice Details
Category Research
Posted 09 May 2024
By Bharat Ramkissoon
Westville Students